Top 5 Pilates Moves for a Strong Core



A strong core is essential for overall fitness and well-being. Pilates offers a variety of exercises designed to target the core muscles, providing a comprehensive workout that strengthens and tones your midsection. In this blog, we’ll explore the top 5 Pilates moves for a strong core that you can incorporate into your routine.

The Hundred: (Core Strength) 

pilates strong coreThe Hundred is a classic Pilates exercise that engages your entire core. Lying on your back with your legs in tabletop, pump your arms up and down while keeping your core engaged. Inhale for 5 pumps and exhale for 5 pumps for a total of 100 pumps, focusing on maintaining a neutral pelvis. This move not only strengthens your abdominal muscles but also improves your breathing and circulation.

Plank to Pike: (Strong Core and Quads) 

pilates for strong core and quadspilates pike for transverse abdominals








The Plank to Pike is an advanced Pilates move that challenges your core stability. Starting in a plank position, lift your hips towards the ceiling to form an inverted V-shape, then return to plank. This exercise targets the upper and lower abs, as well as the shoulders and back. Repeat 6-8 times. 

Pilates Criss-Cross: (Core and Obliques)

PIlates for strong core and obliquesPIlates for strong core and obliques








Criss-Cross is a dynamic Pilates exercise that focuses on the oblique muscles. Lying on your back, bring your knees to tabletop and lift your head, neck, and shoulders off the mat. Twist your torso to bring your right shoulder towards your left knee, then switch sides. Continue to alternate sides for a total of 12 twists.  This move is excellent for creating a toned and sculpted waistline.

Pilates Leg Circles: (Adbominals and Hip Stability)

Pilates for adbominals and hip stability

Pilates for adbominals and hip stability
Advanced position

Leg Circles are a fundamental Pilates move that enhances hip mobility and core strength. Lying on your back with one leg extended towards the ceiling and the other bent on the mat. Draw small, dinner plate sized circles with your extended leg while keeping your core engaged and your hips still. Make 5-6 circles per direction per leg. For a more advanced move, extend the lowered leg on the mat.  This exercise helps to tone the lower abs and improve hip stability.











Pilates Teaser:  (Core Strength)

PIlates strong core muscles

PIlates, strong core muscles








The Teaser is a challenging Pilates move that works the entire core. Lie on your mat with your legs in tabletop, then use your core strength to lift your legs and upper body into a V-position. Hold and then lower back down Repeat 6-8 times.  This move requires balance and control, making it a powerful exercise for building core strength, particularly in the transverse abdominals.




Incorporating these top 5 Pilates moves into your workout routine can significantly enhance your core strength. Whether you’re attending Pilates classes in Los Angeles or practicing at home, these exercises will help you achieve a strong, toned midsection. Start integrating these moves today and enjoy the benefits of a strong core workout. Then join us at Archer Pilates in Westchester to help you get the most from your Pilates workout.